Tuesday Feb 26th…I was on my favourite watch, the early morning and was delighted to be entertained for several minutes by dolphins doing their ‘early morning dolphin dance’ just 10 metres away from the boat. The ‘early morning dolphin dance’ is far more entertaining than dolphins on the bow as it involves lots of intricate jumps and leaps out of the water and appears to be a dolphin competition between themselves. They jump really high and even do some short hops over the surface, well worth watching and I will be waiting in future with my camera set to video.
It was an especially eventful day as I also caught my first ‘flappy’ of the trip, third one for the boat. A dorado that matched Captain Peter’s in size, shape and battle to get the fish to the boat. Having caught a few fish in my time I was determined to bring the fish to the boat by myself (who says fishing’s for the boys!) Then the oddest thing happened. I tried to hold the fish by the tail for a photograph but it was too heavy. Deb lifted it by the gills and offered it to me to hold, but I couldn’t do it. I went all squeamish and girly and just couldn’t hold it, hence the photo with Deb holding it up for me and the one with it put on my knee. Deb started the butchering process but in her enthusiasm, cut her finger so Steve continued while Peter found antiseptic cream and a band aid. After sushi salad for lunch and 4 large steaks for dinner that were wonderfully cooked by Deb, the freezer is now full of fish and the rod has been put away until we have eaten more.
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