Couple this with clear, intensely blue skies, warm sunshine and cooling breezes and you have a cocktail for heaven! I am sure you can see why we were reluctant to leave - but we have greater delights and new experiences ahead - so sail on!
The wind is light and we are now about 30 miles from Las Perlas Islands with 650 mile to go to our next landfall in Equador. Progress is slow so we are motor sailing but will pick up better winds before nightfall in two hours time so we will be sailing through the night - a night sure to be absolutely full of stars, brighter than you could possibly imagine, and with the added bonus of the rise and fall of the inspiring Southern Cross star group.
We have multi-spotted dolphins on the bow, a brief glimpse of a whale making a huge splash, and a stowaway bird on Sallyannes's seat, feeling so relaxed with the calm and beautiful scene, so much so that even the bird is yawning! He has clearly seen it all before and looks down casually, ever so often, at the prancing and leaping dolphins.
Capt Peter
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